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Who We Are

Mary Catherine Husney, MD, MSPH


Dr. Husney grew up in Atlanta, Georgia, but made Colorado her much loved home in 1992.  After obtaining her master's degree in public health at the University of Colorado, she attended Albany Medical College in upstate New York before returning to Denver for her family medicine residency at St. Anthony's. 


Becoming a family physician has allowed her to do what she loves: provide quality, compassionate care to patients.  She has found that taking the time to listen to her patients is frequently as effective as the other diagnostic tools and studies that medicine offers.  She feels that being healthy means more than physical health, and that her job includes helping her patients achieve wellness in all its forms.    


In addition to providing quality, value-based care to her patients, Dr. Husney is committed to helping other physicians do the same. She currently serves on the Board of Practice Health (a local Independent Practice Association) and the Primary Care Advisory Committee at Pres St. Luke’s Hospital, and is a member of the Independent Physician Section Governing Council of the Colorado Medical Society. 


Mary Catherine (a.k.a. “MC”) is married and lives in Lowry with her husband Evan, son Dylan, daughter Morgan, and associated animals.  Her newest passion is fly fishing, which joins soccer, camping, hiking and skiing as favorite activities to enjoy in the Colorado sunshine. 



Lia Espinoza, MA


Lia has been a medical assistant since 2009. Excellent patient care is a life-long passion, and she enjoys developing relationships with patients and their families.

A native of Denver, Lia enjoys spending time in the mountains and hiking.  With 3 boys aged 4,5 and 14, she relishes the peace that she can find in the great outdoors.

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